The Pre-K students at Avondale Elementary School, a United Way of Central Alabama Success By 6 school, reveled in popsicle heaven May 11 during a party sponsored iBERIABANK. The popsicle party allowed students to exercise their math skills taught by their teacher and reinforced by iBERIABANK.
Each student received two dollars, one-dollar bill and four quarters, and had to identify and count the coins in order to purchase the popsicles.
“By having the cooperation of the community with United Way Success by 6 and iBERIA Bank, it just builds a stronger foundation with the kids to let them know that the community is involved and is interested in their education,” said Michelle DiGuglielmo, Pre-K teacher at Avondale Elementary School.
Bank associates volunteer at the Success By 6 school throughout the year by reading books, teaching math skills and engaging in fun, learning activities with the kids.
“It’s given our associates opportunities to engage with kids and some of the school officials,” said Greg King, Alabama Regional President iBERIABANK and United Way Board Member. “Really at the end of the day, it’s an opportunity to give back.”
Success By 6 is an initiative that focuses on increasing access to quality early learning by improving school readiness, promoting health and physical activity, building partnerships and engaging the community.

The lessons iBERIABANK provide are unconventional teaching for a Pre-K class. However, the hope is that the instruction is practical. “I hope what we try to hit on is portable,” said King. “They’re not going to get all of it at this age, but hopefully we left a few tidbits that they can carry with them.”
United Way of Central Alabama Inc. supports health and human service programs and agencies that provide solutions for the most important needs in the community. Its business is to improve lives and community conditions by building and mobilizing resources.
To learn more about United Way’s impact in your community visit www.uca.org.