Every year, Regions sets aside a full week known as “Evergreen” to honor the contributions of its employees — contributions not merely limited to growing the company’s own business but also the many ways that employees give back to their communities. And that includes volunteering with United Way of Central Alabama (UWCA).
This year, during the week of Evergreen itself, dozens of Regions employees demonstrated their commitment to their corporate values by pitching in on two different UWCA-coordinated projects. Others found fulfilling volunteer opportunities at specific UWCA partner agencies.
One of the group projects involved constructing picnic tables and benches for installation at the community parks that United Way is building or renovating in each of the six counties it serves in Central Alabama. The parks project was initiated last year as part of UWCA’s centennial celebration. Many other Regions volunteers worked to clean up and beautify the campus of C.J. Donald Middle School in Fairfield, where United Way is actively developing its “Community Schools” model to expand public access to vital health and human services.
UWCA partner agencies that benefited from Regions volunteers included the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama and United Ability’s adult day program.
Cory Guillory, a Commercial Relationship Manager with Regions, said his experience at the Food Bank not only helped him bond with his colleagues but also raised his awareness of the needs in our community. “This was a call to action to support our brothers and sisters, particularly in a time of such division in our society,” he said. You can read more about Evergreen and Regions’ community engagement here.
Regions is a longstanding corporate partner of United Way of Central Alabama – one that is strongly dedicated to this community. And we are extremely grateful. In fact, we are honored to have Leroy Abrahams, Regions Executive Vice President of Community Engagement, serve as our 2024 Annual Campaign Chair.

To learn more about Abrahams, click here. For information about how you or your company can find volunteer opportunities through United Way Hands On, click here.

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