Hands On Birmingham would like to honor the 750 volunteers that participated in the eighth annual Project Homeless Connect (PHC) on April 11. The day was a huge success (serving 688 clients) and couldn’t have been accomplished without the dedication of volunteers, partner agencies and providers.
Thank you for being a part of Birmingham’s solution to homelessness!
Project Homeless Connect is an annual, one-day event that brings together a wide variety of community volunteers and services designed to remove the barriers to housing and stability for hundreds of homeless and unstably housed people.
In one location, PHC gives people experiencing homelessness the opportunity to access an array of services (housing, medical services, identification services, veterans’ services, employment services, pet care, haircuts, etc.) in a system which is often difficult to understand and navigate.
For more information on how to volunteer in your community, contact Ashley Goodwin at agoodwin@handsonbirmingham.org or at 251-5849.