American Baseball Foundation – BASIC (Baseball Academics and Skills Instructional Course) students are enjoying fun days at Regions Field and Railroad Park competing in baseball, softball, soccer and academic challenges. BASIC Summer is an enrichment program for students ages 7 to 14 with the objective of preventing summer learning loss among the children most at risk.
The five-week program uses a curriculum that encourages active participation in the classroom and on the field. “For the last 19 years, we’ve used sports as the hook or the vehicle to attract children to our programs, and we’re hoping they can improve their reading and math levels through our program,” David Osinski, Executive Director of American Baseball Foundation.
The program currently services three schools; CA Brown Elementary School, Hudson K-8 and Saint Aloysius. “I think this is a good program, said Lindi Wilson, reading instructor with BASIC. “I wish we could get more students to do it and more schools to be involved because it’s a good balance for students.”

United Way of Central Alabama supports opportunities for education enrichment. “We’re very fortunate to have the support of United Way for 2016,” said Osinski. “Who knows maybe we’ll be fortunate enough to partner again.”
The program was made possible with the support of a Summer Adventures In Learning (SAIL) Grant. SAIL is a collaboration of organizations seeking to prevent summer learning loss.
United Way of Central Alabama Inc. supports health and human service programs and agencies that provide solutions for the most important needs in the community. Its business is to improve lives and community conditions by building and mobilizing resources. To learn more about United Way’s impact in your community visit www.uwca.org.