Page 15 - Annual Report 2021 corr proof 2-15
P. 15

Helping the Unemployed

            Whether an individual is unemployed due to the pandemic
            or other circumstances, the needs can feel insurmountable.                                                18,865
            UWCA knows that investing in individuals and families to
            help them become and remain more financially stable is                                              individuals and families received
            the key to building a better community. We do this by                                                  financial stability services
            helping bridge the gaps while assisting with childcare,                                                through partner agencies
            transportation, employment and budget counseling and free
            tax preparation. Additionally, food and other basic
            need resources are in place and can be accessed through
            United Way’s 2-1-1 Call Center. For so many in our                      49,759
            six-county service area, United Way has been a safety net
            to help them get back on their feet.                                  calls for services were
                                                                                  received through United
                                                                                  Way’s 2-1-1 Call Center

                                                                                                                     clients were assisted
                                                                                                                   with their childcare needs
                                                                                                                      through Community
                                                                                                                      Crisis Fund grants

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