Page 13 - United Way 2020 Brochure
P. 13

Helping At-Risk

                                          Individuals and Families

                                          It was all hands on deck as critical services, such as Meals on Wheels deliveries, had to continue with an added layer
                                          of safety for clients and volunteers alike. Meals on Wheels did not miss a beat and immediately delivered a 21-day
                                          supply of shelf-stable meals to clients and Jefferson County senior center participants. Then, to further limit exposure,
                                          the familiar daily deliveries shifted to weekly -- with each food box containing seven days of frozen meals and drinks.

                                          The Priority Veteran program serves veterans and their families who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
                                          The COVID-19 pandemic further compromised these heroes, as social distancing protocols led to decreased capacity
                                          at shelters; and unemployment increased demand for other basic needs, such as food and healthcare. To respond to
                                          this gap in services, the program placed 70 veterans in hotels.

                                          Alabama Cares, a AAA program focusing on family caregivers, recognized the additional burdens placed on these in-
                                          dividuals by the pandemic and responded on a case-by-case basis. Whether the person is caring for an aging relative,
                                          or a senior is caring for a child, Alabama Cares offers help, including in-home respite care, monthly support groups
                                          and temporary financial assistance.

                                            592,973                                        103                              7,688

                                           senior meals were provided           homeless veterans were served               respite hours were
                                               during the pandemic                  and 70 without access to                 provided to 187
                                                                                 shelters were housed in hotels                 caregivers
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