Family Connection is a multiservice agency designed to provide a safe place for youth in crisis. Through counseling, safe sites, drug prevention education and more, Family Connection strives to support young people experiencing homelessness or disconnectedness. Whether someone has aged out of the foster system or run away, they are there to help. Together, we fight for the safety and security of all young people in Central Alabama.
The youth that we serve are either going to commit a crime or have a crime committed against them. Through United Way, we’re able to keep them safe and allow them to make better choices that will help them move to a successful life.Ed Eaton, Project Hope
I have always been a United Way cheerleader….The dollars they raise, the majority of them go to support our youth shelter. It’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Without United Way dollars, it would be very difficult to support that.Susan Johnston, Family Connection