EMS Workforce Development Program

Tuition-Free Training for EMTs and Paramedics

Strengthening Emergency Medical Services in Jefferson County

Individuals who live in Jefferson County or work in the emergency medical field within Jefferson County, and are admitted into Alabama Fire College’s programs for EMS personnel, including EMTs, AEMTs, and Paramedics, are eligible for scholarships covering tuition and supplies.

EMS Program Student Scholarship Application

Jefferson County is actively responding to a rapidly evolving crisis in its emergency medical services (EMS), largely driven by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To address this, the Jefferson County Commission, in partnership with the United Way of Central Alabama, is covering the cost of tuition and supplies for individuals who live or work in Jefferson County and are admitted into Alabama Fire College’s programs.

This initiative aims to alleviate the shortage of emergency medical personnel exacerbated by the pandemic and ultimately increase the number of qualified paramedics and emergency medical technicians in Jefferson County.


  • Student must be a legal US resident 18 or older.
  • Student must be a Jefferson County Resident OR be employed within Jefferson County in the EMS Field.
  • Student must be a High School Graduate or have a GED.
  • Student must be currently enrolled in an EMS Program at Alabama Fire College.
  • Student must complete a scholarship application.

Steps to Scholarship

  1. Select your program at alabamafirecollege.org/ems.
  2. Download and complete the Alabama Fire College application for your program.
  3. Submit your application via mail or via email to registration@alabamafirecollege.org.
  4. Once you receive notice that you have been accepted and enrolled, complete the Jefferson County EMS Workforce Development Program scholarship application.

This project is being supported, in whole or in part, by federal award number SLFRP1176 awarded to the Jefferson County Commission by the U.S. Department of the Treasury.