Agency Handbook
Please find below a link to the UWCA Partner Agency Handbook. This handbook is designed to provide a brief overview of each of UWCA’s departments – especially as they relate to the allocations process and agency relationships. It also includes some policies and guidelines for UWCA partner agencies. This handbook is not intended to be a thorough compilation or summary of UWCA’s departments, programs or staff members.
Annual Allocations Process
Member agencies can access and submit allocation request here.
Designation Reports
United Way of Central Alabama is pleased to offer online access to enable our partner agencies, outside agencies and other United Ways access to various reports, forms and communication pieces.
eServices Account Setup Form
If you are requesting access to any of these sites, please click below to fill out the eServices Account Setup Form.
Healthcare & Benefits
United Way of Central Alabama provides an online reporting site for our partner agencies who utilize our self-insured health plan. For questions or access to this site, please complete the eServices Account set-up form.