Agency Profile
Collat Jewish Family Services

Phone: 205.879.3438
Detail: For older adults, CJFS provides care management, transportation, in-home personal care, respite care, caregiver support and more – all aimed at helping seniors continue living independently with an enriched quality of life. CJFS provides professional mental health counseling for people of all ages.
2024 Allocation: $100,876
A United Way partner agency for nearly 30 years, CJFS serves greater Birmingham residents of all races, religions and socio-economic levels. Although we serve all ages, our special focus is helping older adults continue living independently in their homes with an enriched quality of life. CJFS senior services include comprehensive assessments, care management, professional mental health counseling, transportation, in-home personal care, respite care and caregiver support. CJFS CARES, a group respite program, serves families affected by dementia, addressing a profound and growing need in metro Birmingham. Through Cyber Seniors, CJFS pairs older adults with students who help them learn to use technology. CJFS places the highest value upon treating all people with dignity and respect and delivering professional services with compassion and care.
CJFS enhances quality of life and strengthens independence for individuals and families, with a primary focus on older adults, by providing exceptional support services in accordance with Jewish values