Chilton County

How United Way of Central Alabama supports Chilton County

United Way improves lives and community conditions by addressing specific areas of need through donor support, state and federal grants, key partnerships, coalitions, strategic planning and our own ongoing community service programs.

Chilton County United Way joined the United Way of Central Alabama on January 1, 2021. The Chilton County campaign is made up of a number of generous individuals and businesses.

Chlton County Agency Spotlight

Kelsey’s Place

Helping people achieve self-sufficiency through motivation, education and employment is what Kelsey’s Place is all about. A recent participant attending GED prep classes faced a challenge completing the program when her work schedule changed. In order to keep her positive momentum going, her course work was uploaded onto a flash drive so that she could study from home and come into the office for grading and assistance as needed. Through hard work and encouragement, she passed all four subjects, obtained her GED and enjoyed a graduation ceremony at Kelsey’s Place with her family. She now plans on attending college and majoring in either marine biology or criminal justice.

Learn More About Kelsey's Place

Key Outcomes in Chilton County


Chilton County residents

were served by United Way of Central Alabama agencies and programs*


agencies and programs

funded by United Way provide services to Chilton County residents



were given access to healthy food, nutrition education and resources to decrease the learning gap through YMCA of Chilton County


foster children

were provided an opportunity to attend summer camp at no cost through Raleigh’s Place



were provided with non-perishable and freezer food items from Chilton Emergency Assistance

Statistics above were compiled from 2023 results.

*Clients may be served by more than one agency.

Chilton County Agency Spotlight:

Raleigh’s Place

As we move into year two of Chilton County and United Way of Central Alabama joining forces, funding includes nine partner agencies with local programs on the ground in Chilton County. Raleigh’s Place is one of those, which provides and supports foster homes, hosts a free summer camp, provides clothing and other resources, trains foster parents and equips teenage foster youth for life after care. Since Raleigh’s Place was founded, it has housed more than 300 foster children; more than 1,000 children have attended Camp 1:27; and 630 foster children and families have received clothing through Katie’s Kloset.

Learn More

Chilton County News